Reduced Membership Due for Members Without a Full-time Job
To submit the application for a reduced membership due for members without a full-time job, please fill out the form completely by following the instruction below and then mail it to the JSS Administration Center . Once the application is approved, the membership due, including the cost of the journal, will be JPY 8,000.
Conditions for Reduced Membership Due for Members Without a Full-time Job:
The reduced membership due for members without a full-time job is applicable to members who meet both of the following conditions.
- Has graduated or withdrawn from graduate school
- Not employed on a full-time basis as of April 1 of the given fiscal year
Steps between applying for the discount and paying the membership due:
- Send the application form to the JSS Administration Center
- Application review
- JSS Administration Center to notify the result and send the payment form
- Pay the membership due
* When applying for a reduced membership due, please do not make the payment until you receive a notification for approval and a payment form.
How to obtain the application form:
Application for Reduced Membership Due for Members Without a Full-time Employment (PDF)
(PDF documents can be opened using the free Adobe Reader provided by Adobe.)
Request by mail
Please clearly state "Requesting the application form for reduced membership due for members without a full-time employment," enclose a self-addressed envelope with an JPY 82 stamp, and then mail it to the JSS Administration Center. In turn, we will mail you the necessary form.
- Fiscal Year the Discount Is Requested: Please be sure to write down in the underlined blank space the fiscal year for which you would like the discount applied.
- New/Renew: Please encircle "Renew" if you had received a discount in the prior fiscal year and encircle "New" otherwise.
- Affiliated Institution, Department, Line of Work/Title as of April of the Fiscal Year the Application Was Submitted: Please write down the affiliated institution, department, and line of work/title as of April of the fiscal year for which you would like the discount applied and then encircle the applicable option.
*Please note that contract staff (e.g., visiting professor, researcher) is also considered full-time employment rather than part-time employment.
*Please note that the discount measure is not applicable if you are employed on a full-time basis.
- Address (contact address): Please write down the current address or the contact address you would like us to use for notifying the result of approval.
JSS Administration Center
c/o Galileo, Inc.
4F-1-24-1 Sugamo, Toshima Ward, Tokyo 170-0002
TELF+81-3-5981-9824 / FAXF+81-3-5981-9852
Latest revision date: November 21, 2014
- In accordance with Article 17 of the Bylaws of the Japan Sociological Society, members who are not employed on a full-time basis may use the specified application form to apply for a reduction of their membership due each fiscal year.
- "Members without a full-time employment" as defined in this rule shall not include members such as research fellows of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- The membership due, including the cost of the journal, for members who are approved for discount is JPY 8,000.
- JSS Administration Center will directly notify the individual whether the application is approved.
- A payment extension is granted during the period between the application for discount and notification on the approval.
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