
Encouraging Award Recipients

Takayoshi Ryuo,Tokyo Women’s Christian University(Encouraging Award, Book 2020)

What were the main findings in your award-winning book?

In Durkheim’s Modern Social Conception: From Organic Solidarity to Professional Associations (Minerva Shobo, 2019), I clarified that the sociology developed by Durkheim before moving to the University of Paris was a sociological conception of modern society aiming at overcoming the crisis that European sociology at that time faced. He presented two different types of conceptions, “organic solidarity” in Division of Labor in Society and “professional association” in Professional Ethics and Civic Morals, both of which explored the possibility of reconciling the guarantee of individual freedom with the need for social integration through a mechanism unique to modern society. This mechanism that Durkheim focused on was the social regulation of collaborative relationships under contract law in “organic solidarity” and a complex organization of the state and “professional associations” through the institutionalization of the latter.

What motivated you to study that topic?

Behind my research is the question of how individual freedom can be guaranteed in today’s increasingly complex society. If we assume a dualistic composition of the state and the individual when discussing the freedom of the individual, the reduction of intervention by the state indicates the extension of the freedom of the individual. However, because there is an imbalance in power relations between individuals, even if the infringement of freedom by the state can be eliminated, there will be a risk that a relatively strong individual will infringe on the freedom of a relatively weak individual. On the other hand, excessive state intervention to eliminate this risk would infringe on individual liberty. I believe that Durkheim’s conception of modern society can be a hint for thinking about the modern task of correcting social imbalances in a way that does not impair individual freedom.

What impact do you hope that your findings will have?

I would like the audience to know the significance of studying the classics of sociology. Durkheim faced a reality that was different in time and region from my reality, but Durkheim’s struggle against that reality can be sociologically inspiring. I hope that this work will help you to become more interested in the study of the history of sociology.

How do you plan to build your future research on this work?

What I am interested in now is the acceptance of Durkheim sociology in Japan. What is the significance of reading Durkheim’s sociology while looking at the reality of times and regions that differed from Durkheim’s? I expect that by considering acceptance in other regions, the implicit premise of Durkheim’s sociology can be clarified.