Annual Meeting

The Japan Sociological Society 100th Anniversary International Symposium: “The Role of Sociology in a Turbulent World”

The Japan Sociological Society 100th Anniversary International Symposium: “The Role of Sociology in a Turbulent World”

Date and Time: November 10 (Sunday), 1:00 PM – 2:55 PM  
Venue: Koyama Hall  

Note: To attend this symposium, separate registration through this Google Form is required in addition to registering for the main conference, as simultaneous interpretation devices will be provided.  
Note: The registration via the Google Form is requested for the purpose of checking the number of headsets needed; those who do not register will still be able to attend the symposium on the day.  
Additionally, this symposium is open to the public for free. If you only wish to attend the commemorative symposium, advance payment of the conference participation fee is not necessary.


This year, the Japan Sociological Society celebrates its 100th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, we are hosting a symposium titled “The Role of Sociology in a Turbulent World.” The world is undergoing significant changes, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Israel’s invasion of Gaza. In this symposium, we will explore the questions: How can sociology engage with such a world? What role is expected of sociology in these times?  
We are honored to welcome as speakers Dr. Geoffrey Pleyers, President of the International Sociological Association, and Dr. Chizuko Ueno, Professor Emerita of the University of Tokyo. They will each deliver a lecture addressing the symposium’s theme from their respective perspectives. After the lectures, we will have a Q&A session, where your questions are most welcome.  
This symposium promises to be intellectually stimulating, so please join us.
Yoshimichi Sato, President of the Japan Sociological Society
Chikako Mori, Executive Board Member

Speaker Introductions

Geoffrey Pleyers
President of the International Sociological Association, Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, and Senior Research Fellow at the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). He earned his Ph.D. at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in France. Having been actively involved in the International Sociological Association for many years, he was elected as President in 2023. His specialty is social movement theory, and he analyzes social movements as drivers of macro-level social change from the perspective of global sociology. His publications include *Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI. Perspectivas y herramientas analíticas* (Social Movements in the 21st Century: Perspectives and Analytical Tools) and *Alter-Globalization: Becoming Actors in the Global Age*, among many others.  
Chizuko Ueno
Professor Emerita of the University of Tokyo and President of the Certified NPO Women’s Action Network (WAN). She completed her doctoral program at Kyoto University Graduate School. She has served as Associate Professor at Heian Jogakuin College, Associate Professor at Kyoto Seika University, Professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School, and Specially Appointed Professor at Ritsumeikan University, among other positions. During this time, she has also served as a visiting researcher and visiting professor at many overseas universities, including the University of Chicago. Her specialties are women’s studies and gender studies. She has been awarded the Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, the Asahi Prize, and the Hän Honours from the Republic of Finland, and she was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020. Her many publications include *The Formation and Demise of the Modern Family*, *Nationalism and Gender*, *A Solitary Old Age*, and *Who Made This World? – To Pass on a Society Where We Don’t Have to Say Sorry*.