
JSS Travel Award 2024: Decentering Global Sociology (Deadline: June 20, 2024, 23:59 (Tokyo, GMT+9:00))

JSS Travel Award 2024

Decentering Global Sociology

Application Deadline: June 20, 2024


The 97th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society (JSS)

Kyoto Sangyo University

November 9–10, 2024


The International Liaison Committee of the Japan Sociological Society (JSS) is pleased to announce its 18th annual grant competition for early-career scholars as JSS Travel Award. JSS will select an overall of 10 scholars to present papers in two special sessions and participate in the JSS annual meeting. The scholars will receive financial support towards their travel costs as follows:

  • 6 early-career scholars from outside of Japan (120,000 yen for travel costs)
  • 4 early-career scholars from within Japan (20,000 yen for travel costs)

(Scroll down for details on eligibility and application procedure.)


Call for Papers on “Decentering Global Sociology”

Since the 1990s, globalization has not only expanded and accelerated the mobility of money, goods, people, and information but has also brought about encounters and exchanges of knowledge among sociologists, scholars from other disciplines, and people from all parts of the world. These experiences have led to a critical examination of the Western-centrism of sociological knowledge and epistemology and to various efforts to reconfigure sociology into something genuinely global through the lens of others over the past decades.

Recent crises, such as the global pandemic, the climate crisis, wars, and the rise of authoritarianism and xenophobia, have exposed various inequalities, unfairness, and cleavages, making the perspective of global sociology increasingly important. On the other hand, a variety of practices and ideas for coping with these crises, such as social movements against the climate crisis, are also emerging in different parts of the world.

East Asia is one of the regions where the perspectives of global sociology are particularly relevant, and scholars in the region have explored “post-Western sociology” through dialogues within and outside of the region. For East Asia, the “West” has been an object of admiration and rejection, while there have been disjuncture, conflicts, and colonial occupation within the region. Societies in the region have been pursuing their own modernity under Western influence, and at the same time, there have been attempts to challenge Western hegemony, which sometimes turned into another domination, and yet proposed a rethinking of the “universal.”

In this context, this year’s annual meeting of the JSS, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, will invite the President of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Geoffrey Pleyers, who has been advocating global sociology. Thus, we hope that this will be an opportunity to engage in dialogue with a diverse group of scholars interested in contributing to the reinvention of global sociology. We will be holding a session themed “Decentering Global Sociology” and invite not only papers that address the concrete issues related to the theme from the various fields of sociology but also research on theoretical and/or epistemological analysis.



Eligibility requirements

For applicants from outside Japan:

To be eligible to apply as an international applicant, the applicant must satisfy all the following criteria:

1) Currently living and working (or studying if the applicant is a graduate student) outside Japan. Scholars living in Japan are NOT eligible as international applicants.

2) Hold a master’s degree or higher obtained within the past 10 years as of April 1, 2024. (Time taken off for childcare and/or parental leave is not counted as part of these 10 years.) If there is no system to offer the master’s degree during the doctoral course, please send us a letter from your supervisor with their signature stating that your educational qualification is regarded to be equivalent to that of those who hold a master’s degree.

Although the competition is open to all early-career scholars who meet the eligibility requirements, preference will be given to early-career scholars from Asia (excluding Japan) and first-time applicants. Scholars from any region, especially researchers who are at a relatively early stage of their careers, are encouraged to apply for the award.

International grant winners will be exempt from the annual conference fee and the JSS membership fee for the first year and will receive 120,000 yen to help cover the travel costs. You can also choose 100,000 yen and free accommodation for two nights. All awardees are required to make a 15-minute presentation in English at the JSS annual meeting as part of one of the two sessions organized by the ILC.

* Please note that to receive the award, selected international scholars must be able and are willing to submit the following two items:

  1. a) Letter agreeing to participate in the conference.
  2. b) Membership application for the JSS.


For applicants from within Japan:

To be eligible for support, the applicant must satisfy all the following criteria:

1) Be currently living and working (or studying if the applicant is a graduate student) in Japan.

2) Hold a master’s degree or higher obtained within the past 10 years as of April 1, 2024. (Time taken off for childcare and/or parental leave is not counted as part of these 10 years)

Grant winners from within Japan will be exempt from the annual conference fee and will receive 20,000 yen to help cover the travel costs. You can also choose free accommodation for two nights instead of financial support. All awardees are required to make a 15-minute presentation in English at the JSS annual meeting as part of one of the sessions organized by the ILC.

* Please note that to receive the award, selected scholars must be able and are willing to submit the following two items:

  1. a) Letter agreeing to participate in the conference.
  2. b) Membership application for the JSS.



  1. Applications:

An extended abstract (600 to 1,000 English words) should be submitted via the following form no later than June 20, 2024. Acceptance notes will be sent out by the end of July 2024. The extended abstract should clearly describe the research questions, theoretical framework, data, analytical methods, and main findings.

To go to the submission site, please click here.


  1. Application Deadline:

June 20, 2024, 23:59 (Tokyo, GMT+9:00)

Applicants will be notified about acceptance by the end of July 2024.

In case of questions, please contact us at: ilc(at)sociology.gr.jp