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JSPS Symposium on Promoting Gender Equality

JSPS hosts Gender Equality Symposiums to disseminate valuable insights on effective practices in gender equality initiatives across various sectors, with a primary focus on research institutions of academic organizations.

This fourth symposium is titled “Academia x Gender: The Gender Landscape in Academia in Japan and Beyond.”
In the keynote speech by Professor Ito Kimio, titled “In Pursuit of an Inclusive Academic Community – from the Perspective of Gender Equality and Intersexuality” we will consider the history and future of society and academic research from the perspectives of cultural sociology and gender theory, and the second part will showcase initiatives from Europe, presented by a lecturer from the European Research Council (ERC). We will examine the significance and future of gender equality in academia from a global perspective.

We cordially invite you to this symposium and would appreciate it if you would share this information with the relevant departments in your organization.

JSPS Symposium on Promoting Gender Equality
Academia x Gender -The Gender Landscape in Academia in Japan and Beyond-

Date and Time: Thu, Feb 27, 2:30 pm-4:35 pm (JST)
Format: Online (Zoom Meeting)
Language: English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation
Fee: Free

Please complete your registration using the above web page. *Spots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Part 1 Keynote Speech <2:40 pm-3:20 pm (JST) *Including Q&A>
Title: “In Pursuit of an Inclusive Academic Community -from the Perspective of Gender Equality and Intersexuality“
Speaker: ITO, Kimio, Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University and Osaka University; Auditor of National Women’s Education Center

Part 2 The Latest Trends in Europe <3:20 pm-3:40 pm (JST)  *Including Q&A>
Title: “Inclusive Excellence in Europe”
Speaker: Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Coordinator, ERCEA Gender and Diversity Activity Group, European Research Council (ERC)

Part 3 Panel Discussion <3:50 pm-4:30 pm (JST) *Including Q&A>
”The Importance of Gender Equality in Research”
Moderator: NAKANO, Ryohei Thomas, Professor, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University; JSPS Gender-Equality Advisor
ITO, Kimio, Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University and Osaka University; Auditor of National Women’s Education Center
Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Coordinator, ERCEA Gender and Diversity Activity Group, European Research Council (ERC)
KAI, Toshie, Professor, Graduate School of Frontier, Biosciences; Director, Student Mobility Unit Center for Global Initiatives, both at Osaka University
*During the panel discussion, you can use the chat function to ask questions to the panelists.

Policy Planning and Public Relations Division
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)