Join & Renew

Reduced Membership Due for International Members


JSS has a system to allow reduced membership dues for international members. Only those who fall under Category B, C or D in the Appendix “Country/Region Category table” are eligible for a reduced membership due. Please note that the discount is not available to members in Category A (please contact the JSS Administration Center if your country is not listed in the category table). Please see the “Schedule of Membership Due” for the discount rates.
When applying for the discount, please fill out the application completely by following the instruction listed below and then mail the application to the JSS Administration Center.

Steps between applying for the discount and paying the membership due:

  1. Obtain the application form (download or by mail)
  2. Fill out the application according to the instruction
  3. Send the application form to the JSS Administration Center
  4. Application review
  5. JSS Administration Center to notify the result on the review
  6. JSS Administration Center to send the payment form
  7. Pay the membership due
    *When applying for a reduced membership due, please do not make the payment until you receive a notification for approval and a payment form.

How to obtain the application form:

  • Download
    Application for Reduced Membership Due for International Members
    (PDF documents can be opened using the free Adobe Reader provided by Adobe.)
  • Request by mail
    Please clearly state “Requesting the application form for reduced membership due for international members,” enclose a self-addressed envelope with an JPY 82 stamp, and then mail it to the JSS Administration Center. In turn, we will mail you the necessary form.

How to Fill Out the Application Form (Please print legibly.)

  1. Fiscal Year the Discount Is Requested: Please be sure to write down in the underlined blank space the fiscal year for which you would like the discount applied.
  2. New/Renew: Please encircle “Renew” if you had received a discount in the prior fiscal year and encircle “New” otherwise.
  3. Your Country or Region: Please write down your home country or region.
    *If you are from Hong Kong, please state “Hong Kong” even if your country of citizenship is China.
  4. Country/Region Category: Please refer to the Country/Region Category table and encircle the category applicable to the country or region you specified in 3.
  5. Affiliated Institution, Department, Line of Work/Title as of April of the Fiscal Year the Application Was Submitted: Please write down the affiliated institution, department, and line of work/title as of April of the fiscal year for which you would like the discount applied and then encircle the applicable option.
    *Please note that contract staff (e.g., assistant, researcher) is also considered full-time employment rather than part-time employment.
    *Please note that the discount measure is not applicable if you are employed on a full-time basis in Japan.
  6. Location of the Affiliated Institution: Please write down the address of the affiliated institution listed in 5.
  7. Address (contact address): Please write down the current address or the contact address you would like us to use for notifying the result of application.

Mailing Address and Inquires for the Application

JSS Administration Center
c/o Galileo, Inc.
2-39-2-401 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima Ward, Tokyo 170-0013
TEL:+81-3-5981-9824 / FAX:+81-3-5981-9852
Mail: g009jss-mng@ml.gakkai.ne.jp

Rules for Reducing the Membership Due for International Members

Latest revision date: March 2024

  1. In accordance with Article 17 of the Bylaws of the Japan Sociological Society, members with foreign citizenship may apply for a reduction of the membership due for the given fiscal year each fiscal year. However, the discount measure is not applicable to those who are employed in Japan on a full-time basis.
  2. Countries and regions, which comprise a criterion for calculating the membership due, are classified based on the Country/Region Category table by the World Bank. It shall be updated annually. the discount measure is only applicable to those in Categories B, C, or D.
  3. the membership due will be discounted according to the Schedule of Membership Due for members who were approved for the discounted membership due.
  4. JSS Administration Center will directly notify the individual whether the application is approved.
  5. A payment extension is granted during the period between the application for discount and notification on the approval.

Schedule of Membership Due

Country/Region Category

Discount Rate

Payable Membership Due
(after the discount)


Not applicable

Regular member

JPY 14,500

Regular member
(graduate student)

JPY 6,000

Associate member

JPY 6,000



Regular member

JPY 10,150


Regular member
(graduate student)

JPY 4,000


Associate member

JPY 4,000



Regular member

JPY 5,800


Regular member
(graduate student)

JPY 1,600


Associate member

JPY 1,600



Regular member

JPY 1,450


Regular member
(graduate student)

JPY 400


Associate member

JPY 400

*The payable membership due is calculated using the following formula: Payable membership due = normal membership due – (normal membership due × the discount rate)

Country/Region Category table

Category A
American Samoa Germany Oman
Andorra Gibraltar Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Greece Poland
Aruba Greenland Portugal
Australia Guam Puerto Rico
Austria Hong Kong SAR, China Qatar
Bahamas, The Hungary Romania
Bahrain Iceland San Marino
Barbados Ireland Saudi Arabia
Belgium Isle of Man Seychelles
Bermuda Israel Singapore
British Virgin Islands Italy Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Brunei Darussalam Japan Slovak Republic
Canada Korea, Rep. Slovenia
Cayman Islands Kuwait Spain
Channel Islands Latvia St. Kitts and Nevis
Chile Liechtenstein St. Martin (French part)
Croatia Lithuania Sweden
Curaçao Luxembourg Switzerland
Cyprus Macao SAR, China Taiwan, China
Czech Republic Malta Trinidad and Tobago
Denmark Monaco Turks and Caicos Islands
Estonia Nauru United Arab Emirates
Faroe Islands Netherlands United Kingdom
Finland New Caledonia United States
France New Zealand Uruguay
French Polynesia Northern Mariana Islands Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Guyana Norway  


Category B
Albania Fiji North Macedonia
Argentina Gabon Palau
Armenia Georgia Paraguay
Azerbaijan Grenada Peru
Belarus Guatemala Russian Federation
Belize Indonesia Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Iraq South Africa
Botswana Jamaica St. Lucia
Brazil Kazakhstan St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Bulgaria Kosovo Suriname
China Libya Thailand
Colombia Malaysia Tonga
Costa Rica Maldives Türkiye
Cuba Marshall Islands Turkmenistan
Dominica Mauritius Tuvalu
Dominican Republic Mexico West Bank and Gaza
El Salvador Moldova  
Equatorial Guinea Montenegro  
Ecuador Namibia  


Category C
Angola Jordan Philippines
Algeria India Samoa
Bangladesh Iran, Islamic Rep São Tomé and Principe
Benin Kenya Senegal
Bhutan Kiribati Solomon Islands
Bolivia Kyrgyz Republic Sri Lanka
Cabo Verde Lao PDR Tanzania
Cambodia Lebanon Tajikistan
Cameroon Lesotho Timor-Leste
Comoros Mauritania Tunisia
Congo, Rep. Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Ukraine
Côte d’Ivoire Mongolia Uzbekistan
Djibouti Morocco Vanuatu
Egypt, Arab Rep. Myanmar Vietnam
Eswatini Nepal Zambia
Ghana Nicaragua Zimbabwe
Guinea Nigeria  
Haiti Pakistan  
Honduras Papua New Guinea  


Category D
Afghanistan Korea, Dem. People’s Rep South Sudan
Burkina Faso Liberia Sudan
Burundi Madagascar Syrian Arab Republic
Central African Republic Malawi Togo
Chad Mali Uganda
Congo, Dem. Rep Mozambique Yemen, Rep.
Eritrea Niger  
Ethiopia Rwanda  
Gambia, The Sierra Leone  
Guinea-Bissau Somalia