
ISA RC45 Second International Workshop “Social Inequality” 報告募集のお知らせ(6月15日締切)

Second International Workshop of ISA RC45 on Social Inequality

Date: September 1, 2017 (9:00am to 6:00pm)

Venue: Utrecht, The Netherlands (Sweelinck Room, Drift 21, Utrecht)


Call for Abstracts
Deadline for abstract submission June 15, 2017

Abstract submission
 (1) Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), E-mail address of presenting author
 (2) Abstract (150-300 words)
 (3) Do you want your paper to be forwarded to a poster session if not accepted as oral presentation?
 (4) Are you a member of RC45?
Submit to Jun Kobayashi ( and Masayuki Kanai (

 1. Organizers will give “Best Paper Award” to outstanding presentations at the workshop.
 2. Travel grant is available based on quality of the abstract.
 3. Registration fees: TBA. Fees will be discounted for RC45 members.
 4. Questions? Ask Jun Kobayashi (

Aim of the workshop
 This one-day workshop discusses future directions of social inequality research. It especially welcomes young scholars’ work in progress (graduate students and post-docs). This can be a good chance to present your ongoing work and exchange ideas with globally acclaimed researchers in a beautiful historic city.

Keynote speakers
 Guillermina Jasso (New York University, board member of RC45),
 Toru Kikkawa (Osaka University, PI of SSP Project)

Invited advisers
 Antonio M. Chiesi (University of Milan, president of RC45),
 Gianluca Manzo (University of Paris, editor of Analytical Sociology)

Presentation format
 Oral (and posters if needed). Please plan for a presentation of 15 minutes + 10 minutes discussion (depending on number of papers).

 International Sociological Association Research Committee 45 on Rational Choice,
 Stratification and Social Psychology Project (SSP Project)

 Jun Kobayashi (Seikei University),
 Masayuki Kanai (Senshu University),
 Carola Hommerich (Hokkaido University),
 Vincent Buskens (Utrecht University, local organizer)