
キャロル・アンダーウッド准教授 一橋大学・佐野書院での講演会 「合衆国における社会的な格差とコロナワクチン接種―社会学的視点から」のお知らせ(11月16日)

ジョンズホプキンズ大学・公衆衛生大学院 キャロル・アンダーウッド准教授


COVID-19の情報分析と研究の世界的な中心である米国ジョンホプキンズ公衆衛生大学院からCarol Underwood准教授が、この度、11月12-13日開催の日本社会学会大会への招待を受けて来日されます。(同大会での海外若手を含む英語セッション、“COVID-19 and Society”(12日午前・午後)のディスカッサントとして参加)



報告題目: Social disadvantage and COVID-19 vaccine intention and uptake in the United States: A sociological perspective
報告者: Carol Underwood准教授(The Johns Hopkins University 公衆衛生大学院 )

形式: 対面とZOOMを組み合わせたハイブリッド形式(要・事前申し込み)
使用言語: 英語
場所:  一橋大学国立キャンパス 佐野書院会議室(先着30名)
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/95149797879?pwd=elZPTjBhbUtQcjdyQW8xaUZtOGxFQT09



主催:小井土彰宏代表 科学研究費研究会(基盤研究A 科研費番号      19H00607)

報告概要 :
Applying sociological theory in tandem with a social determinants of health perspective, this lecture will discuss multiple pathways through which the uneven distribution of power and resources intersect with discrimination and other forms of marginalization to create social disadvantage and health inequities. Social disadvantage, which is politically and socially determined, is further exacerbated during and in the aftermath of public health crises, most recently and dramatically in the case of Covid-19. It is well documented, for example, that compared to their share of the total population, the percentage of COVID-19 infections was disproportionately higher among working class and marginalized groups in communities around the world. Traditional risk factor epidemiology methodologically   transmutes the “context” — socio-economic position and access to resources — into attributes of individuals, resulting in studies that ignore or underrepresent the fundamental role of structural factors in health and wellbeing. Highlights   from studies conducted in the United States together with examples from other countries will be presented to illustrate the central role of the social determinants of health in Covid-related beliefs, practices, and outcomes.